Saturday, March 7, 2020

Junkyard Buddies

What fun it is when people of like mind find each other.  We three; me, Bill Leahy and LuAnn Ostergaard all love the creative possibilities of the junk of the world.  We can spend hours combing rusted and corroded metal and wood, glass and plastic in places where old stuff is accumulated.  Sometimes it's found where people are collecting old cars and trucks and sometimes it's where they're dumping unwanted metal.  We notice cracks in the concrete, designs made by shadows and patterns in broken glass. 

'The world is so full of a number of things.  I'm sure we should all be as happy as kings.'

      Robert Louis Stevenson

 I see a knight riding his horse through a forest at night.

This was a random rusted spot on the hood of a truck.  Bill would know the year, make and model of the vehicle...I remember that it was a truck.